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The Syrian Family Planning Association, which is a part of the Arab Region for Family Planning, continues its initiatives and activities aimed at reaching the largest possible group of young people and the different segments of society. These services are increasing in the difficult humanitarian conditions experienced by the Syrian society and the association strives to reach its sexual and reproductive services to all of the Syrian governorates.

In this regard, the Association continues to shed light on the comprehensive sex education curriculum and in conducting continuous courses in many Syrian governorates within this curriculum. These courses have led us to many successful stories whose characters started from being volunteers and then trainees to become active intellectuals in their societies.

Mu’ayyad al-Hawij, an ambitious young man from Deir al-Zour who was born in 1995, was forced by the harsh conditions that beset his city in the year of 2013 with his family to the Jaramana area in Damascus suburb, as did many families who fled their areas in search of safety and escape the tragic situation that they live.

Muayyad says “When I fled my region, I was in despair and frustration, I was studying at the Faculty of Law at the University of Al-Furat, my dreams gradually began to fade. My relatives and friends started supporting me again. Almost a year later, in 2014, I met a young man affiliated with the Syrian Family Planning Association. He explained to me the principles that underlie it, the services it provides, the topics it presents and the ideas that it aims to devote to society. I decided to join and volunteer in the Society for my desire to work in humanitarian, service and rights.

After a month I was accepted to volunteer and was chosen to participate in a course on the Comprehensive Sex Education CSE in the province of Suweida. At first, I found the curriculum very strange. It was a paradigm shift in the ideas and concepts that were presented to us. Some of them were shown to me for the first time. Muayad notes that over five days he has acquired many communication skills and has been educated in many of the subjects that were surrounded by silence in his city because he belongs to a tribal society. And that themes such as the sexual rights of young people, coexistence with HIV, and the reduction of stigma and discrimination (RSD) towards people infected with GBV and many other topics of the curriculum could not have been spoken or asked about even by their closest relatives, under the umbrella of the “defect” However, after these courses he became braver by putting such topics to acquire the skills of information delivery and the most appropriate method as well.

Muayad followed many of the courses that the association always organizes, such as the voluntary counseling and testing of AIDS. His commitment and activity have led him to become the coordinator of the Jaramana Youth Center.

This was one of the success stories by the mouth of one of the most active volunteers who were positively affected by the courses and curricula covered by the association. They have challenged the difficult living conditions and crises experienced by their country.

It is noteworthy that the policy of the Syrian Family Planning Association always aims at reaching out to the displaced and needy groups. As of October 2017, 24 comprehensive youth education courses have been implemented in the Syrian governorates.
More than 600 young men and women have been educated in this curriculum. After the end of the course, the trainees conduct educational sessions for their peers in order to reach the most targeted segment within Syrian society.

Ref: http://www.syria-fpa.org/index.php?lang=en&page=category&category_id=34&id=17