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Barsha Pandey

“As a Youth Subcommittee member of Family Planning Association of Nepal, Palpa Branch, I have been involved in various activities so as to spread the knowledge of SRHR issues, CSE knowledge, advocating Abortion stigmas and so on. I am passionate about being involved in various social activities, being social in offline or online ways to share the fruitful information or for entertainment too. I love painting or sketching and listening to the motivators, science tales and vintage songs.

As young people are the future pillars, the future of the world is in their hands. The deeds     the young people do today, define the better world for tomorrow. I envision the world as a peaceful place to live in for everyone regardless the age group. For the young people, I visualize the easy, bias less outreach to the services, leadership in the concerned sector and many more! The identity of the gender would not be limited to male and female only. There would be world with the feeling of equality among all, regardless of the race, colour or gender.”

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